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Casa do Jardim´s More Education Project – September 2014

On 16th of September of 2014 the students from Environment Activity of Casa do Jardim´s More Education Project walked around Casa do Jardim to observe the nature and its condition.

The students and teachers mobilized the Management Secretary of Norwest Region to help with the hard cleaning and they mobilized a joint effort for cleaning with signs to prevent the trash in near future and wrote letters to create awareness of the neighbors.

On the afternoon of 30th of September of 2014 we celebrated our Community Day where 43 students participated with lots of fun, capoeira roda, dance, face painting and a wonderful and tasty snack.

We are thankful for all that participated and contributed for this beautiful and pleasant event.

Data: 24/10/2014

Instituto de Desenvolvimento Local Integrado - Casa do Jardim
Rua Walpoli, 126 | Jardim Canadá, Nova Lima
Minas Gerais, Brasil | CEP 34.000-000
+55 31 98209.2662 | joannedurchfort@gmail.com