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Casa do Jardim´s Performance in Family´s Party of E.M.B.P.R - 25th/October/14

On the 25th of October of 2014 happened the Family´s Party of Municipal School Benvinda Pinto Rocha (E.M.B.P.R) where the students from our Broadening Horizons Program made a beautiful performance of angola capoeira and samba.

They jointed their parents, teachers from the school and friends from the Jardim Canadá community.

Data: 27/11/2014

Instituto de Desenvolvimento Local Integrado - Casa do Jardim
Rua Walpoli, 126 | Jardim Canadá, Nova Lima
Minas Gerais, Brasil | CEP 34.000-000
+55 31 98209.2662 | joannedurchfort@gmail.com