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I Community Day Event - 2014

Our First Community Day Event took place on February 26th 2014 and brought together Casa do Jardim’s students and Team to celebrate the birthdays from January to June.

The Party was really fun with a chocolate cake, tasty snacks, a Capoeira Roda, face painting, dancing and games.

We reaffirmed our commitment with Casa do Jardim and built up our spirit of community.

We also had the participation of Adinelva (mother of 3 students of Casa do Jardim) who helped us with food preparation and cleaning, and also the participation of Jarad (Casa do Jardim´s volunteer).

Data: 10/04/2014

Instituto de Desenvolvimento Local Integrado - Casa do Jardim
Rua Walpoli, 126 | Jardim Canadá, Nova Lima
Minas Gerais, Brasil | CEP 34.000-000
+55 31 98209.2662 | joannedurchfort@gmail.com