English Version

Início Sobre Nós Projetos Comunicação Participar Contato
How to participate

Donations Via Casa do Jardim Bank Account and Others Donations Via Instituto de Desenvolvimento Local Integrado Casa do Jardim PayPal OR Via BrazilFoundation PayPal
1) Make a monthly contribution to Casa do Jardim

Casa do Jardim will receive 100% of your donation. Deposits or on-line bank transfers can be made to:

banco-brasil.gifInstitute for Local Integrated Development -
Casa do Jardim

CNPJ: 09.017.804/0001-78
Bank: Banco do Brasil (001)
Branch: 3294-8
Account: 106709-5

Pix: 09017804000178 (CNPJ)


2) Donate a portion of your Income Tax

Designate a portion of your annual income tax through the Municipal Fund for Children and Adolescents.  Please contact us at +55 31 98209-2662 or joannedurchfort@gmail.com to learn more about this option.

3) Make an in-kind contribution of equipment or materials 

We need contributions toward the maintenance of our infrastructure, educational materials, computer equipment, among other items.  Please contact us for more information at +55 31 98209-2662 or joannedurchfort@gmail.com



1) Make an on-line donation to Casa do Jardim through PayPal.
Click the PayPal button to make your donation now.


2) Make an on-line donation to Casa do Jardim through PayPal via BrazilFoundation. Click the PayPal button to make your donation now.

BrazilFoundation provides a Donor Advised feature that allows a donor to recommend that a particular donation be earmarked for the work of Casa do Jardim.

Not-for-Profit organizations constituted legally in Brazil can receive donations from donors in the U.S. in a secure and trustworthy manner through BrazilFoundation. The donor makes the donation to BrazilFoundation, which then directs the funds to the beneficiary organization following verification as required, thus acting as a fiscal agent. These donations are also deductible from U.S. tax return.




Instituto de Desenvolvimento Local Integrado - Casa do Jardim
Rua Walpoli, 126 | Jardim Canadá, Nova Lima
Minas Gerais, Brasil | CEP 34.000-000
+55 31 98209.2662 | joannedurchfort@gmail.com