English Version

Início Sobre Nós Projetos Comunicação Participar Contato
Our Methodology

capoeira 1Key Objectives

  1. Promote local integrated development in developing communities through projects in complementary education, community integration and social synergy.
  2. Build a collective leadership that strengthens the community through its professional commitment, participation in public life and appreciation of its local identity and environmental responsibility.
  3. Conduct our work with responsibility, commitment and coherence, identifying, appreciating and prioritizing local capacities and potential, and building relationships of mutual benefit for all parties involved.


In order to realize our key objective of local integrated development, in a way that is efficient and sustainable, we have created a development model based on the following strategic actions:

  1. Identification, appreciation and integration of local resources in order to multiply the power and effectiveness of each.
  2. Working with various levels of the community: children, their families, their school, social organizations and local companies.
  3. Use of various methods for knowledge exchange: one on one, small groups, workshops, themed events and working in networks.

We believe that, when we work simultaneously in a variety of directions, using different means, community development work becomes more effective and complete.


Dentro deste modelo de desenvolvimento local integrado, temos uma preocupação especial na maneira em que aplicamos estas estratégias.  Acreditamos que o "modo" como as coisas são feitas é um fator determinante na construção de relações e estruturas sociais sadias e equilibradas. Procuramos realizar nossas estratégias com os seguintes princípios em mente:

  1. Valorização Endógena: Procuramos identificar, valorizar e priorizar as capacidades, experiências e contribuições das pessoas e organizações locais.
  2. Parcerias de Mútuo Benefício: Buscamos construir relacionamentos sinérgicos com todas as partes interessadas através da transparência, comunicação e medição de impacto a fim de multiplicar o poder e eficiência de cada parceria.
  3. Continuidade e Consistência: Conduzimos o nosso trabalho com integridade, compromisso e responsabilidade.  Planejamos e avaliamos nossas ações para que possamos evoluir como organização e garantir a consistência entre palavras e ações.


Within this model for integrated development, we are particularly concerned with the way in which we apply these strategies. We believe that the “way” that things are done is a determining factor in the construction of healthy, balanced relationships and social structures. We seek to implement our strategies with the following principles in mind:

  1. Endogenous Appreciation: We seek to identify, value and prioritize the capacities, experiences and contributions of local individuals and organizations.
  2. Mutually Beneficial Partnerships: We aim to build win-win relationships with all interested parties through transparency, communication and impact measurement in order to multiply the power and efficiency of our partnerships.
  3. Coherence: We conduct our work with integrity, commitment and responsibility. We plan and evaluate our actions to evolve as an organization and ensure coherence between actions and words.

Areas of Action

We have chosen three areas of action to promote local integrated development:

  1. Complementary Education | Educational and learning activities that go beyond the school curriculum and who primary objective is personal and academic development through integration with various types of knowledge and pedagogical tools.
  2. Community Integration | Activities that bring together various parts of the community through leisure, education and culture and whose primary objective is the creation and strengthening of local community spirit.
  3. Social Synergy | Activities that contribute to a community connecting with its local identity, communicating efficiently, and using and valuing its local resources. The principal objective is the creation of a common language among the different actors in a community who participate in local development, in order to facilitate collaborative action that is in harmony with its reality.

Instituto de Desenvolvimento Local Integrado - Casa do Jardim
Rua Walpoli, 126 | Jardim Canadá, Nova Lima
Minas Gerais, Brasil | CEP 34.000-000
+55 31 98209.2662 | joannedurchfort@gmail.com