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Início Sobre Nós Projetos Comunicação Participar Contato
Partners Project

EMBPR logoWe develop mutually beneficial relationships with committed organizations that are aligned with our values and objectives in order to multiply the quality and impact of our work through cooperation and knowledge exchange.

Benvinda Pinto Rocha Municipal School

Our relationship with Benvinda Pinto Rocha Municipal School (EMBPR), where 90% of our students attend elementary school, has evolved since Casa do Jardim was founded em 2007. The main objective of our partnership is to increase access and the quality of education offered to local children between 6 and 12 years.

What we achieve together:

  • Monthly communication about the 72 students who participate in Casa do Jardim, the majority of which study at EMBPR
  • Planned monthly visits of the teachers from EMBPR to bring their classes to Casa do Jardim in order to learn new ways of relating with each other in a non-school environment and to receive a pedagogical report of their visit
  • Term evaluations by the teachers of the school about the impact of each student’s participation in Casa do Jardim


PRIMO logo_primo_verde.jpg

PRIMO (Primates of the Mountain) is a non-governmental organization that promotes human beings living in harmony with themselves and with the elements that comprise their world. Based in Nova Lima, Minas Gerais, in the region of the micro-reservoirs of the Tamandua and Fechos creeks, PRIMO works to preserve diversity and quality of life through an integrated set of activities in the following five areas: 1) Water Care; 2) Ecological Care of Fechos; 3) Soil Care; 4) Biodiversity Care; and 5) Knowing how to care.

Casa do Jardim has been collaborating with PRIMO since March 2011 to offer its teachers and students an environmental education. Since September 2011, students have been receiving one class per week on environmental responsibility.

What we achieve together:

  • Classes for students to recognize local resources, for example, how water arrives in their homes, and to know how to manage garbage and sort recyclable materials both at school and at home.


Casa de Mae (House for the Mother)logo Casa de Mãe (2).jpg

Casa de Mae offers integrated support for future mothers in the area. This project utilizes the space at Casa do Jardim for their weekly meetings. It also offers direct support to the mothers of the students at Casa do Jardim.




Instituto de Desenvolvimento Local Integrado - Casa do Jardim
Rua Walpoli, 126 | Jardim Canadá, Nova Lima
Minas Gerais, Brasil | CEP 34.000-000
+55 31 98209.2662 | joannedurchfort@gmail.com