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From our parents 

Why has your child returned to Casa do Jardim?

“It has been good for him.  There are fewer fights and his homework has improved.”
“Because he likes it (here).  And our family also.”
“Because it has been a good experience...Casa do Jardim has been very good for him in school.  (His) teachers have said thât he is more responsible.”
“Because I want her to learn more...and not just be in a daycare.”

Have you noted any change in your child's behavior since he/she started at Casa do Jardim?

“Calmer, more committed.”
“More active and communicative.”
“He has become more independent.”
“Yes...she talks more, plays more with her sisters, talks more with the family.”
“She has improved at school, both in behavior and in grades.”
“He is much better. He has developed more and even his teacher has recognized it.”
“He is more outgoing, less shy, more open.”
“She treats people better now and is better behaved.”

From our investors and partners

“In the beginning, our support was motivated by internal reasons. Today, we support Casa do Jardim because of its local reputation and the impact it is making in the community.”  Rodrigo Ferreira de Toledo | |Former Director, MG Mármores e Granitos

“Casa do Jardim is making a very significant contribution toward improving the citizenry, dignity and sustainable development of the community of Jardim Canada. We are very proud of their work.” Yuri Litwinski | President, Hudson Imports

"We support all serious initiatives that focus on the children of Jardim Canada because we believe that the future of this community can be moulded in a way that creates responsible citizens. Casa do Jardim is one of these initiatives."  Sérgio Máximo | President, Prodomo Indústria e Comércio





Instituto de Desenvolvimento Local Integrado - Casa do Jardim
Rua Walpoli, 126 | Jardim Canadá, Nova Lima
Minas Gerais, Brasil | CEP 34.000-000
+55 31 98209.2662 | joannedurchfort@gmail.com